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Welcome to ACTT
"All of the service of Hashem is dependent upon the improvement of one's character traits."
Vilna Gaon - Even Shleima, Chapter 1
What is ACTT?
ACTT is an organization that began in 2006 to facilitate meaningful and lasting character improvement by using a methodology that includes learning Torah, performing actions, making commitments, and sharing motivational material. ACTT creates an environment that supports an individual's efforts by assisting with challenges and celebrating successes.
ACTT membership is free and admission is free to ACTT events. You can remotely participate in the ACTT program by accessing the ACTT material on this website's Topics pages. You can purchase the source books from your local or online Jewish bookstore. As an ACTT member, you will receive e-mails that provide chizuk, website update notifications, and event-related information.
ACTT will help you sustain and enhance your efforts to make meaningful character/middos changes in your life. If you are not already a member of ACTT, please click on the Join menu item above, to join others sharing the same desire for success, at no cost. We hope ACTT helps you learn and grow in your life-long journey for achieving greatness, serving and clinging to Hashem in most magnificent ways.

A teching from Rabbi Yisrael ben Ze'ev Wolf Lipkin, also known as "Yisrael Salanter", zt”l, founder and spiritual father of the Mussar movement:
When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. But I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my country. When I found I couldn’t change my country, I began to focus on my town. However, I discovered that I couldn’t change the town, and so as I grew older, I tried to change my family.
Now, as an old man, I realize the only thing I can change is myself, but I’ve come to recognize that if long ago I had started with myself, then I could have made an impact on my family. And, my family and I could have made an impact on our town. And that, in turn, could have changed the country and we could all indeed have changed the world.
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