Mission Statement
To provide a Torah-based approach and a support system that nurture spiritual growth and sustain enduring positive change.
Impetus for the Program
To provide a set of tools and a support system that foster success for individuals who want to make meaningful and lasting changes in their lives.
The need to take positive and concrete action that will serve as a zechus (merit) for those who are sick or are experiencing other hardships in our families and communities, and as a merit for Klal Yisrael in the face of any crisis in Israel and world-wide anti-Semitism.
Program Material
Each ACTT topic is broken down into modules. The main Topics page in this website lists all of the topics in the ACTT program. The Topics subpages (Topics: A; Topics B,E; etc.) contain the module packets and event audios for a specific topic. A Topics subpage can be reached by clicking on the corresponding link on the Topics page or by selecting the corresponding Topics subpage in the menu, which is on the top of each page of this website.
A link to the master list of the ACTT Program's Learning Resources is in the "ACTT Support Material" section of the Topics main page, along with links to a generic Commitment Form, Activity and Action Ideas, a generic Daily Activity/Action Log, a generic "Hashgachah Pratis" Awareness Journal, and a Glossary.
There are also links to packets in the "ACTT Inspirational Reading" section of the Topics main page.
To become a member, which is free, or to learn more about the ACTT organization, see the Join page.
See the Links page for Source Book and Shiurim/Chizuk suggested websites.
ACTT Leadership
The ACTT organization is spearheaded by a group of Rabbinic and lay leaders in the Raritan Valley area of Central New Jersey.
The founding members of the Rabbinic Advisory Committee were:
Rabbi David Bassous, Congregation Etz Ahaim
Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe, Congregation Ahavas Yisrael
Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Congregation Ohav Emeth
Rabbi Yaakov Luban, Congregation Ohr Torah
Rabbi Steven Miodownik, Congregation Ahavas AchimRabbi
Rabbi Abraham Mykoff, Congregation Poile Zedek
Rabbi Yaakov Wasser, Young Israel of East Brunswick
The founding members of the ACTT Leadership Committee were:
Jonathan Abrahams - Congregation Ahavas Achim Representative; Chair, Membership
Wendy Bar - Congregation Etz Ahaim Representative; Special Projects
Joe Friedman - Congregation Ohav Emeth Representative; Special Projects
Alice Gordon, a"h - Special Projects
Phil Rosen - ACTT Leadership Committee Coordinator; Chair, ACTT Program & Events
Aviva Siegel - Congregation Ohr Torah Representative; Chair, Chizuk, Publicity
Ricki Stern - Congregation Ohav Emeth Representative; Special Projects