HaKaras HaTov - Gratitude
Event Audios
"Building An Attitude of Gratitude" - Rabbi Jonathan Rietti 4/22/2007
"HaKaras HaTov - A Lot More Than Saying Thank You" - Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman 2/26/2012
"Gratitude: The Secret to Jewish Success" - Mr. Charlie Harary, Esq. 4/19/2015
"HaKaras HaTov; Unlocking One's Inner Greatness", including a tribute to Alice Gordon, a"h - Rabbi Eliyahu
Kaufman 7/15/2018; handout
Hashgachah Pratis - Divine Providence
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Module Packets
Module 1
Event Audios
Lifetime Lessons from the Seder - Rabbi Heshy Kleinman 4/17/2024 to Aneinu
Understanding Dangerous Events Through the Lens of Torah - Rabbi Heshy Kleinman 4/18/2024 TorahAnytime
Other Resources
Source Book at artscroll.com: Living With Hashgachah Pratis by Rabbi Heshy Kleinman
"Living With Hashgachah Pratis"_free booklet_Days 1-10
Generic Hashgachah Pratis Awareness Journal Hasgachah Pratis Awareness Journal for Module
Judging Favorably
Module Packets
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Source Booklet 1
Event Audios
"Judging Favorably- Naiveté or Shrewdness?" - Rabbi Yaakov Luban 7/16/2006
"Judging Favorably in the Courtroom of the Mind" - Rabbi Steven Miodownik 11/17/2007
"Judging Others Favorably: A Mirror For The Soul"- Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe 11/22/2008